ed2k has

eMule v0.49c. SERVERS TAB- both KAD and eD2K never get beyond "Connecting." This is the second time I have faced this problem. Previous ...

相關軟體 eMule 下載

eMule(電騾)是一款由eDonkey2000(電驢)改良而成的P2P檔案分享工具。可預覽下載未完成之前的影像或檔案。可設定優先來源管理,允許您同時大量下載檔案而不須監控該來源。 eMule與eDonkey2000相容,兩端用戶的檔案資源可互通。 ...

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  • eMule v0.49c. SERVERS TAB- both KAD and eD2K never get beyond "Connecting." This...
    Cannot Connect To Kad Or Ed2K. Server List Is Empty. - Official ...
  • ed2k_hash ed2k_hash is a little command line utility that takes an number of files and out...
    ed2k-tools - Tools for eDonkey2000 and Overnet - ed2k_hash ...
  • ed2k.has.it. server.met server list for eDonkey and eMule (Serverliste für eDonkey und eMu...
    ed2k.has.it - server.met - Server List for e... - Ed 2 K Has ...
  • ed2k.has.it at WI. server.met server list for eDonkey and eMule (Serverliste für eDonkey u...
    ed2k.has.it at WI. server.met - Server List for eDonkey and ...
  • (2015-03-24) Ed2k.has.it Social Media and Website Analysis. Ed2k.has.it on Stumble Upon: N...
    ed2k.has.it server.met - Server List for eDonkey and eMule
  • Has.it is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 1 1...
    Ed2k.has.it: server.met - Server List for eDonkey and eMule ...
  • If you need help, access emulehelp to our knowledgeable support team, and all of the resou...
    eDonkey and eMule - Server List
  • i have no will to browse/search through the forum posts. ... why, for example this site: h...
    Emule Servers - Official eMule-Board - EMule forum - eMule-Project.net
  • 常見問題 經常被問的問題 一般資訊 選項 設定 eMule 連接埠, 防火牆 & 路由器 伺服器 特徵 發現及解決 初學者指南 網路指南 Kademlia & eD...
    eMule-Project.net - 官方 eMule 網站. 下載, 幫助, 文件, 新聞, ...
  • 我eMULE的KAD和ED2K 無法連線,我是電腦白痴也是新手請盡量用白話的方式跟我說。 首頁 信箱 新聞 股市 名人娛樂 氣象 運動 App下載 購物中心 商城 拍賣 更多⋁ 知...
    eMULE的KAD和ED2K無法連線 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • http://ed2k.has.it – 請開啟eMule並只須在Add to eMule 上點一下即可。 或者用下列新增連線。 http://www.nodes-dat.com/...
    eMULE的KAD和ED2K無法連線| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 2013年3月10日 - http://ed2k.2x4u.de/v1s4vbaf/min/server.met. ed2k://|serverlist|http://www.g...
    emule的服务器列表ed2k | 素包子
  • Gone, and it wasn't advised anyway (at least from 2005 onward... Before that, it seems...
    Http:ed2K.has.it - Official eMule-Board - EMule forum - eMule ...
  • Which server (name, IP-address) are you connected to? Do you have HighID? (See 'My Inf...
    My Ed2k Has Connection, But Not Kad - Official eMule-Board - EMule ...
  • Http://ed2K.has.it/: ... INCONCEIVABLE! - You keep using that word. I do not think it mean...
    Official eMule-Board: Http:ed2K.has.it - Official eMule-B ...
  • After connecting to EMULE list of server has disppeared so I cannot ... You can copy the f...
    Server List - Official eMule-Board - EMule forum - eMule-Project.net
  • Please use one of the following redirector services to refer to this page: http://ed2k.has...
    server.met - Server List for eDonkey and eMule
  • ... and eMule not being able to connect for a certain amount of time or general disappeari...
    server.met server met server-met server list edonkey server emule
  • 如果這些伺服器還不夠用,可以在 http://ed2k.has.it/ 打開連結,直接加入server.met 更新伺服器清單。假若有伺服器你覺得用得很順,或者他是好的伺服器,請記...
    XD.life: eMule下載教學PART2--進階設定&實用資訊